New Zealand's premium home based travel network

Take the 2025 career quiz

Question 1

What's my typical Tuesday in 2025?

Question 2

How much will I earn in 2025?

Question 3

How happy will I be in 2025?

Sounds like I'm ready to reinvent my life and reap the rewards

Sounds like I need to talk to someone about getting my work life balance back

Hear from our personal travel managers

I have been a Personal Travel Manager now for over 7 years. TravelManagers National Partnership office have always been there providing me with professional support and commitment to my business and with the expert teams providing fares and ticketing, marketing, accounting and techology needed for me to maintain the flexibility and opportunity to work when and where I choose and to continually be able to grow that business. Along with the added support from my local state business development managers and their experience this combination of teamwork enables me to ensure I have the quality of service and commitment that I can deliver to my clients as their own Personal Travel Manager


Personal Travel Manager, NSW

I was with a major retail travel agency for 10 years and finally made the decision to go out on my own. This huge change in my career was made simple with TravelManagers’ training and ongoing business support. Switching GDS was easy and this all equates to a happy me, a thriving client base and a successful business. My only question is…why did I wait so long to make the move?


Personal Travel Manager, QLD

I never thought I would make this much money selling travel


Personal Travel Manager, QLD