Agency owners

Agency owners

Travel agency owners

You love the travel industry and you love the independence of running your own travel agency business. But the time it takes to pay rent, find staff, manage cash flow, do accounting and marketing has got you wondering if it’s all worthwhile. Then maybe it’s time to consider an alternative.

TravelAdvocates offers agency managers a low risk, high return solution that allows you to do what you love, running your own business, without the stress and costs that come with owning an agency. Being a work from home travel agent doesn’t mean you should lose any of the credibility associated with a shop front or walk-in office, in fact you offer a more personalised service and you have the support and back up of a premium travel network with all the advantages.

Lady on laptop

With TravelAdvocates you can…

  • Say goodbye to your landlord and pay no rent
  • Improve your cash flow
  • Reduce your compliance costs
  • Eliminate the cost of finding and employing staff
  • Eliminate the distraction of managing staff, preparing rosters and covering for holidays staff illness and more
  • Prove the proposition that 20% of your clients generate 80% of your profit is correct
  • If you currently have employees and wish to bring them on board – you can!
  • Have the support you need in marketing, finance, training, technology and more.

A smooth transition to TravelAdvocates

Our comprehensive employee model and smooth transition arrangements ensure you will continue to look after your clients with the level of service they have come to expect. In fact, they could love you more with the exclusive benefits and huge variety of supplier arrangements.

If you’d like to get a better life/work balance and still enjoy generous rewards have a confidential chat with us. It could be the best call you’ve ever made.